Alakazam Magic and the online Academy are delighted to announce that we will be holding a new Zero to Hero card magic course in January and February with John Carey!
The first 6 week course earlier this year was a fantastic success and the students from around the world who joined us each week were thrilled with the learning experience, as you will see on the Alakazam website and Facebook pages.
We’ve had so many magicians from around the world contact us asking if another course will be held. We have listened to them and so here it is!
The course is divided into 6 weekly lessons, starting from the raw basics of card magic, teaching the basic sleights, tools and concepts and progressing each week and also teaching myriad effects which show the application of the techniques. If you’ve ever wanted to learn card magic this is truly the finest way to do so in the industry today.
Join John Carey, Peter Nardi, Dave Loosley, Harry Nardi and Sarah Stott each week as we shoot live with state of the art equipment from the Academy studio. You will be able to ask questions there and then and get the answers. We also have a dedicated Facebook group for students to interact. Each lesson will be stored in your account for streaming and download.
This isn’t a lecture. It’s like being in the same room with John as he patiently and enthusiastically takes you from zero to hero! In a short space of time you will amaze yourself as you perform astonishing card magic.
The final week of this 6 week course will be our graduation party where John will present a live super session of 12 powerful and practical effects you will love. Please note this session is completely different in content from the first course we held.
We expect demand to be very high for this course. With Christmas on the horizon we truly believe this will make a fantastic gift for you or the magician in your life! Take advantage of our early bird discounted price of £79.99, saving 20% on the full price of the course (strictly limited to the first 50 seats). We very much look forward to see you there!
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