This is a fascinating download that exhibits a rare format not often followed in lectures. Jason s’pends 90 minutes teaching his favorite effects from a disparate list of sources and creators. You’ll learn his favorite “Triumph” to show other magicians (and a lengthy explanation of his strong opinion of which “Triumph” to use for a lay audience). You’ll learn Marlo’s Cigar Bottom Deal, and other tips for false dealing. You will learn a terrific, classic card effect with a new twist that makes it even better. Jason will also explain Harry Lorayne’s “Out of This Universe” with a novel addition that elevates the overall effect. This is a chance to go into Jason’s private notebooks and see a sampling of the magic HE finds most noteworthy._x000D_
This download also includes an exclusive tour of Jason’s Cheating Museum. This is a must-see for any magic or gambling enthusiast._x000D_
“Experts at the Card Table” was a full day (seven hours) online convention hend on October 25th 2020, where we spent the day with some of the brightest lights in cards magic, who taught new routines, unpublished techniques, and detailed tutorials on cheating sleights._x000D_
The convention featured:_x000D_
Karl Hein false shuffles workshop_x000D_
Allan Ackerman lecture_x000D_
Jason England Cheating_x000D_
Jason England lecture_x000D_
Andi Gladwin and Joshua Jay jam session_x000D_
Shin Lim lecture_x000D_
Running time: 1 hour 46 minutes_x000D_
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